RDS Farm add a host to a collection

Windows Server 2019


This tutorial follows the following article: Deploy a Windows 2012R2/2016/2019 RDS farm

In this tutorial, we will see how to add a second collection to an RDS deployment.

Adding several collections to the same deployment allows you to share the broker, gateway, license server and web access.

Add a collection to an RDS deployment

In the following example, the collection is made up of a single server.

If users connect through the broker, a second RDP file will need to be created, indicating the name of the collection in it.

In the case where the connection is established by a DNS name, a DNS record must be provided for the RR.

Add the server in the console: Server Manager

Add the server in the console: Server Manager

Ajouter une collection : ajouter le serveur à gérer

Select the server to add 1 and click OK 2.

Choisir le serveur

Server 1 is visible in the All Servers section of Server Manager.

Serveur ajoputé

Add the server to the RDS deployment

From the Overview of your deployment, in the DEPLOYMENT SERVERS box, click on TASKS 1 then Add Remote Desktop Session Host servers 2.

Ajout du serveur hôte

Select the server(s) to add 1 and click Next 2.

Sélectionner le serveur

Check the box 1 Restart remote computers if necessary and click Add 2.

Confirmer l'ajout pour l'installation du rôle

Wait while the Remote Desktop Session Role is installed on the server.

Installation en cours ... 2/2

The installation is complete. Exit the wizard by clicking Close 1.

Installation terminée

In the DEPLOYMENT SERVERS section, the new server is visible 1.

Serveur ajouté au déploiement

Add a collection

Go to Collections Administration Server Manager / Remote Desktop Services / Collections 1. In the COLLECTIONS section, click on TASKS 2 then Create session collection 3.

Ajouter une collection

When launching the wizard, click Next > 1.

Assistant ajout d'une collection

Name the collection 1 and click Next >2.

Nom de la collection

Select the host server(s) 1 for this collection and click Next > 2.

Serveur hôte pour la collection

Select the group(s) 1 that can access the collection then click on Next >2.

Droit d'accès à la collection

If necessary, activate the UPDs and click on Next > 1.

Disque de profil

Confirm the creation of the new collection by clicking on Create 1.

Résume de la collection

Click Close 1 to exit the wizard.

Collection ajoutée

Collection 1 is available in the Collections administration.

Collection administrable

From the deployment overview, the two collections 1 are visible.

Collections dans la vue d'ensemble

RemoteApp: organize collections in web access

In this part, we will see how to organize the RemoteApps from different collections in a different folder on Web Access

The deployment of RemoteApps is covered here.

The collection is published with the following RemoteApp 1:

RemoteApp publiées

Opening a session on the RDS farm web access, we see that Paint is published twice 1 and that all the programs are available without knowing their collection.

RemoteApp dispo en Web

Return to the administration page, right-click on a program 1 and click on Modify properties 2.

Modification RemoteApp

In the General 1 section, enter the name of a folder to create it or select an existing folder 2. Then click on Apply 3 and OK 4.

Configuration du dossier

Repeat the operation for all programs.

Return to the Web access page and refresh it. The created folder is displayed 1, click on it.

Dossier visible

The applications are stored in the folder.

Application dans le dossier

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