Ubuntu 22.04: install Docker

In this tutorial, I will show you a script to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 22.04. Today more and more applications are available in containers with Docker, I regularly have to install a new machine on Ubuntu and have to install Docker and Docker Compose. Personally, I prefer to install Docker from the …

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Hyper-V Cluster: Installation and Configuration

Introduction Through this tutorial, we will see how to set up a Hyper-v cluster under Windows Server (2012R2 / 2016/2019) step by step. Each step requires it, will take you on a tutorial to guide you in setting up a Hyper-V cluster. Prerequisites Be in an Active Directory environment, ideally having a server-side domain controller …

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Nginx: remove the Server header

In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to delete the header server on Nginx but not only… As you can see in the screenshot below, in the response, we can see the server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 and the version of PHP and ASP with the X-Powered-By headers. To remove the server header, we will use …

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Download GLPI from command line on Linux

In this tutorial, I will explain how to download GLPI from the command line with wget, unzip it and move it to the virtualhost folder. If you have a Web server under Linux with Nginx, this tutorial will allow you to install GLPI without needing to use a WinSCP type client or FTP server. 1. …

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Configure roaming profiles in an Active Directory environment

Presentation In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up roaming profiles for your users in an Active Directory environment. When I started working (already a few years ago), roaming profiles were all the rage. Roaming profiles store user (profile) data (C:\Users\) in a shared folder that is located on a server. This allows …

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GLPI 10: configuration of email notifications

In this tutorial, I will explain how to enable and configure email notifications. To send messages, we will configure an SMTP server. To work, notifications need automatic actions to be correctly configured. Enable and configure email notifications in GLPI In the menu, expand Configuration 1 and click on Notifications 2. By default, notifications are not …

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Hyper-V: Live Migration configuring Kerberos delegation

Microsoft Hyper-v

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to configure Live Migration on Hyper-V using Kerberos instead of CredSSP. By default CredSSP is used for authentication during a live migration between the two hosts, which requires logging into both Hyper-V servers simultaneously. The use of Kerberos means that you do not need to open your …

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GLPI 10: add a message collector

Présentation The collector in GLPI allows you to retrieve emails from a mailbox and then create a ticket. If in your organization you have a mailbox dedicated to IT incidents, the collector will allow you to collect emails from this mailbox and create a ticket automatically. When message (email) notifications are enabled, if users respond …

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PowerShell: automatically delete files older than X days

In this tutorial, we will see how to delete files older than X day using PowerShell. This type of script is often used in businesses on servers to rotate logs. If we take the example of IIS, the logs are never deleted, which means that after 3 years, we end up with more than 1,000 …

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Exchange 2013/2016/on-line: Add an alias to a mailbox

Exchange ajouter un alias

In this article, we will have how to add an alias to a ball through the Exchange administrative interface (ECP). 1. Go to the Exchange administration interface (2013/2016/on-line). 2. Select box 1 then click on style 2. In the new window go to email address 3 and click on + 4. This opens another pop-up, choose …

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Nginx: compile an external module

In this tutorial, I will explain how to compile an external module for Nginx in order to add additional functionality to the web server. To illustrate this tutorial, I will take as an example the module http-headers-more-filter which allows you to modify the headers (hearders) sent by HTTP requests. Before you begin, make sure you …

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