Storage Pool Configuration on Windows Server

Windows Server 2019

Storage Pool Overview

A storage pool in Windows Server eliminates the need for a raid configuration at the physical level of the server and manages it directly in Windows. It is possible to manage the tiering and configure a cache with an SSD.

At least two disks must be presented to the server in order to create a pool. Once the pool is created, it is possible to create a virtual disk that according to the number of physical disks will be mirror or parity (Raid 5/6).

To illustrate this tutorial, I used a virtual machine where I configured two virtual disks to create a pool.

Pool de stockage disques / Storage pool disk

In Windows, the disks must just be online, they must not contain a partition.

To use the Storage Pool feature, no installation is required. The administrative console is the Server Manager.

Creating a storage pool

From the server manager, go to the administration part of file server 1 and then to Storage Pools 2 .

Storage pool overview

From this view, we can see the pools created, the physical disks of the server and the virtual disks that are hosted on the pools. By default there is a pool called Primordial which is made up of physical disks that can be used for storage pools.

Click on TASKS 1 then on New storage pool 2 to launch the creation wizard.

Création nouveau pool de stockage / Creating new storage pool

When launching the wizard, click Next 1 .

Assistant création pool de stockage / Create storage pool wizard

Name pool 1 , select server 2 where it will be created and click Next 3 .

Nom du pool de stockage / Storage Pool Name

Select the physical disks 1 that will compose the storage pool and click Next 2 .

Choix des disques physiques / Select physicals disks

Confirm the creation by clicking on Create 1 .

Create Pool

Wait while creating …

Wait ...

Once created, exit the wizard by clicking Close 1 .


The storage pool is visible in the administration.

Pool de stockage ajouté / Added storage pool

Create a virtual disk

To use the storage pool, you must now create a virtual disk on it that will be raid it 1 or 5/6 based on the number of physical disks in the pool.

From the Server Manager in Storage Pool Management, click TASKS 1 / New Virtual Disk 2 .

Add virtual disk

Select the pool 1 and click OK 2 .

Select pool for virtual disk

When launching the wizard, click Next 1 .


Enter the name of the virtual disk 1 then click Next 2 .

Virutal disk name

Click Next 1 .


The resilience of the boxes allows on a server equipped with several cages / baskets of disks (3), to restart the virtual disk on all the boxes.

The storage layout corresponds to the Raid level of the disk, choose a 1 layout and click Next 2 .

Raid level

Choose disk supply 1 (Dynamic / Fixed) and click Next 2 .


Indicate the size of the virtual disk 1 and click Next 2 .

Virtual disk size

A summary of the virtual disk is displayed, confirm the creation by clicking on Create 1 .

Disk overview

The virtual disk is created, check the Create a volume when the wizard closes 1 and click Close 2 .

Disque virtuel créé sur le pool de stockage / Virtual disk created on the storage pool

The virtual disk is visible in the management of storage pools.

virtual disk added

Creating the volume on the virtual disk

When launching the wizard, click Next 1 .

Wizard new volume

Choose server 1 and disk 2 to create the volume and click Next 3 .

Select Server and disk

Indicate the volume size 1 and click Next 2 .

Configure size

Configure the virtual disk path 1 and click Next 2 .

Configure access

Configure partition 1 and click Next 2 .

Configure the file system

A volume summary is displayed, click Create 1 to start the creation.

Confirm creation

Wait while creating the volume …

Creation in progress ...

When the creation is complete, exit the wizard by clicking Close 1 .

Creating the finished volume on the storage pool

The volume is visible in the server manager.

Disk available in the server manager


The storage pool features make it possible to turn a Windows server into a NAS / SAN and to overcome the need for proprietary hardware.

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