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Hyper-V : PowerShell création de machine en lot

Le script ci après permet la création de machine virtuelle en lot :

        Create Hyper-V VM
        Create Hyper-V VM with internal and external vSwitch
        Path of the CSV file containing all the VM to create
        .\HYPERV_New-VMFromCSV -CSVPath "C:\_\VmToCreate.csv"
        Script tested on : Windows 10 Pro & Enterprise
        Author : Sylver SCHORGEN
        Blog :
        Created : 22 dec. 2015
#	RDR Script de creation de VM.
#	Les VHDs sont cree en taille FIXE !
#	Les VM et VHDs sont dans le dossier de la VHDPATH
#	exemple D:\XXXX-ROLE1\..

#region Variable initialization

Write-Host "Setting up initial variables ... " -NoNewLine

$csvFile = Import-Csv -Path $CSVPath

Write-Host "Ok !" -ForeGroundColor Green


#region Modules import

Import-Module Hyper-V


#region VM creation

foreach($VM in $csvFile) {
    Write-Host "VM $($VM.VMName) CONFIGURATION"
    Write-Host " -- Creating Virtual Machine $($VM.VMName) ... "
    #VM existance verification
    $VMExists = Get-VM -Name $VM.VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if($VMExists -eq $Null) {
        try {
            $VMMemory = "$($VM.VMMemoryMB)" + "MB"
            $VMMemory = $(Invoke-Expression -Command $VMMemory)
            #Size modification to be able to create the VMs
            $VHDSize = "$($VM.VHDSizeGB)" + "GB"
            $VHDSize = $(Invoke-Expression -Command $VHDSize)

            #VHD existance verification
            $VHDExists = Get-VHD -Path $VM.VHDPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

            if($VHDExists -eq $Null) {
                #VM creation
                # New-VM -Name $VM.VMName -MemoryStartupBytes $VMMemory -NewVHDPath $VM.VHDPath -NewVHDSizeBytes $VHDSize -Generation $VM.VMGeneration
                New-VM -Name $VM.VMName -MemoryStartupBytes $VMMemory -Path $VM.VHDPath -Generation $VM.VMGeneration
                Set-VM -Name $VM.VMName -StaticMemory -ProcessorCount $VM.Processors
				# Creation du VHDx
				$vhdname = $VM.VHDName
				$vhdpath = $VM.VHDPath
				$vmname = $VM.VMName
				Write-Host " -- Creation du VHD $($vhdname)"
				New-VHD -Fixed -Path $vhdpath\$vmname\$vhdname.vhdx -SizeBytes $VHDSize
				# Attach VHDx
				Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VM.VMName -Path $vhdpath\$vmname\$vhdname.vhdx
					$vhdname = $VM.VHDName2
					Write-Host " -- Creation du VHD 2 $($vhdname)"
					$vhdname = $VM.VHDName2
					$vhdpath = $VM.VHDPath
					$vmname = $VM.VMName
					#Size modification to be able to create the VMs
					$VHDSize = "$($VM.VHDSizeGB2)" + "GB"
					$VHDSize = $(Invoke-Expression -Command $VHDSize)
					New-VHD -Fixed -Path $vhdpath\$vmname\$vhdname.vhdx -SizeBytes $VHDSize
					# Attach VHDx
					Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VM.VMName -Path $vhdpath\$vmname\$vhdname.vhdx
                if(($VM.ISOPath -ne $null) -and ($VM.ISOPath -ne "") -and ($VM.ISOPath -ne "")) {
                    Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $VM.VMName -Path $VM.IsoPath
                Write-Host "Ok !" -ForeGroundColor Green
                #Removal of the default network adapater                
                Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.VMName | Remove-VMNetworkAdapter

                #Adding external vSwitch if it exists
                if(($VM.ExternalvSwitchName -ne "") -and ($VM.ExternalvSwitchName -ne $null) -and ($VM.ExternalvSwitchName -ne " ")) {
                    Write-Host " -- Configuring Virtual Machine $($VM.VMName) external vSwitch ... " -NoNewLine
                    if((Get-VMSwitch -Name $VM.ExternalvSwitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $Null) {
                        Add-VMNetworkAdapter –VMName $VM.VMName –Name "Internet"
                        Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.VMName -Name "Internet" -SwitchName $VM.ExternalvSwitchName
                        Write-Host "Ok !" -ForeGroundColor Green
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "The external vSwitch $($VM.ExternalvSwitchName) does not exist !" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                #Adding internal vSwitch if it exists
                if(($VM.InternalvSwitchName -ne "") -and ($VM.InternalvSwitchName -ne $null) -and ($VM.InternalvSwitchName -ne " ")) {
                    Write-Host " -- Configuring Virtual Machine $($VM.VMName) internal vSwitch ... " -NoNewLine

                    if((Get-VMSwitch -Name $VM.InternalvSwitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $Null) {
                        Add-VMNetworkAdapter –VMName $VM.VMName –Name "Internal"
                        Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.VMName -Name "Internal" -SwitchName $VM.InternalvSwitchName

                        Write-Host "Ok !" -ForegroundColor Green
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "The internal vSwitch $($VM.InternalvSwitchName) does not exist !" -ForegroundColor Yellow

                #Adding private vSwitch if it exists
                if(($VM.PrivatevSwitchName -ne "") -and ($VM.PrivatevSwitchName -ne $null) -and ($VM.PrivatevSwitchName -ne " ")) {
                    Write-Host " -- Configuring Virtual Machine $($VM.VMName) private vSwitch ... " -NoNewLine
                    if((Get-VMSwitch -Name $VM.PrivatevSwitchName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -ne $Null) {
                        Add-VMNetworkAdapter –VMName $VM.VMName –Name "Private"
                        Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $VM.VMName -Name "Private" -SwitchName $VM.PrivatevSwitchName

                        Write-Host "Ok !" -ForegroundColor Green
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "The private vSwitch $($VM.PrivatevSwitchName) does not exist !" -ForegroundColor Yellow


            } else {
                Write-Host "VM does not exist but the VHD does ! Remove or rename the existing VHD first !" -ForeGroundColor Yellow


        } catch {
            Write-Host "An error occured ! Verify that the VM Name, VHD Path, VHD Size, VM Memory and VM Genaration parameters are correctly set !" -ForeGroundColor Red
    } else {
        Write-Host "Already exists !" -ForeGroundColor Yellow


Déclarer les machines virtuelles dans le fichier csv :


L’utilisation se fait directement depuis un hôte Hyper-V avec une fenêtre PowerShell en administrateur

cd <Go-To-Script-Folder>
.\HYPERV_New-VMFromCSV.ps1 -CSVPath "C:\<Folder>\csv-file.csv"
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