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Windows 10: Installing the Telnet Client

Telnet is a command line utility that is routinely used in network and system administration to test communication between their machine.

Telnet (or telecommunication network, or teletype network) is a protocol used on any TCP / IP network, to communicate with a remote server by exchanging lines of text and receiving answers also in text form

Source : wikipédia

Telnet is regularly used by network administrators for asset configuration (switch / router).

On Windows, the client is telnet is not installed by default.

Installing the telnet client

1. Open the Control Panel and go to Programs and Features. Click Enable or disable Windows features 1 .

Windows programs and features

2. Tick the Telnet Client 1 box and click on OK 2 .

select telnet client

3. Wait during the installation …

wait during install

4. When the installation is complete, click Close 1 .

installation completed

Use telnet client

1. Open a command prompt.

2. Enter the order in the format

telnet fqdn/ip port

example :

telnet 443

3. The connection is established, a black window is displayed.

This trick makes it possible to know if it is possible from your station to communicate with a remote device.

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