Ubuntu 22.04: install Docker

In this tutorial, I will show you a script to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 22.04. Today more and more applications are available in containers with Docker, I regularly have to install a new machine on Ubuntu and have to install Docker and Docker Compose. Personally, I prefer to install Docker from the …

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Docker: change default IP address ranges

In this tutorial, I will explain how to change Docker’s default address range. By default, Docker uses class “B” private addresses from 172.17 to 172.32. For each “stack” or container, it will assign a range with a mask in /16. Here is an example : In some cases, it may be necessary to modify this …

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Ubuntu 22.04: install Docker

In this tutorial, I will show you a script to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 22.04. Today more and more applications are available in containers with Docker, I regularly have to install a new machine on Ubuntu and have to install Docker and Docker Compose. Personally, I prefer to install Docker from the …

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Docker: create a MariaDB or MySQL container

In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a MariaDB or MySQL container with Docker. Today, more and more applications are present in businesses and require a database. Previously, we often had a server dedicated to the MySQL or MariaDB database where all the databases coexisted on the same server and with the same …

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Install Docker on Ubuntu and Debian

In this tutorial, I will walk you through how to install Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu and Debian. Installation of Docker and docker-compose from the official repositories Docker and docker-compose are part of the official repositories of both distributions (Ubuntu and Debian), so just run the two commands below: Installing Docker: Installing docker-compose: The …

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Docker: manage your containers with Portainer.io

In this tutorial, I will explain how to manage your Docker containers with Portainer. Portainer is an application that runs under Docker and will allow you to have a graphical interface (Web) to manage your containers under Docker. With Portainer you will be able to: Create / Modify / Delete containers Administrators your containers (SSH …

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Docker: installation and concrete use on Ubuntu

Introduction In this tutorial, I will explain to you how to install Docker on Ubuntu and then through a concrete example how and why to use Docker. At the time of writing this tutorial (in 2021) as SysAdmin, I was having a hard time finding a concrete use for containers including Docker (so I’ll let …

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